The Chaos Theory and the Bitcoin UASF

zender 🛡 #schnorr #taproot
2 min readNov 23, 2019


In the Chaos Theory, “the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state”.

The methaphorical example is the flapping of the wings of a distant butterfly that weeks later would result in the creation of a tornado. For Bitcoin the biggest risk is that people do not care enough about it’s decentralized proprieties.

Bitcoin has been under attack for many years but the biggest vector is the blocksize debate. A bigger block that can be increased arbitrarely by some companies would only lead to centralization of validation. A handful of companies can be easily taken over by the state.

This attack was mainly pushed by bigblockers, miners and some CEOs from the industry and it took many forms from Bitcoin XT, Bitcoin Classic to S2X. The S2X fork has been heavily pushed and had it succeded, the Bitcoin experiment as we know it would have ended.

This S2X has been opposed valiantly by many bitcoiners through the UASF movement. The users are the ones in control and miners have to sell a product that abides by each users’s full node’s rules. They could not sell something users do not want! They have to follow consensus.

But just like the flapping of the wings of the butterfly, the UASF victory against the S2X attack has created a reality that in 100 years from now will be completely different compared to the one where S2X would have succeeded! Now we have a reality in which Bitcoin still exists.

I am convinced that if the S2X fork had succeded, the 100-years-from-now world would have looked very grim, a world in which S2XBitcoin would be a new type of centralized fiat that would have enslaved people even more than the system we have today.

People around the world have no idea about this Bitcoin episode but I have no dobut it will be mentioned in the history books as one of the greatest battles that has shaped the course of history. So thank you to all the bitcoiners that participated. You are the modern day heroes!

We now still have a chance to get our freedom back through sound money. We can continue this beautiful experiment called Bitcoin.
You can be a hero too: run a full node and validate your transactions!



zender 🛡 #schnorr #taproot
zender 🛡 #schnorr #taproot

Written by zender 🛡 #schnorr #taproot

1st Class Bitcoin citizen: Owning private keys 🔑 AND verifying you have bitcoins on those keys yourself with a personal full node 🛡.

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